任芳 博士

副教授 @ 北京科技大学,计算机与通信工程学院

电子邮箱: renfang@ustb.edu.cn






  • 新型光通信网络
  • 特种光纤设计
  • 光纤激光器
  • 机器学习


  • 光通信方向:新型光通信网络,光纤设计及其功能器件,光纤激光器。
  • 机器学习方向:计算机视觉,多模态数据分析,强化学习,光学与机器学习结合。



  • 2010-2014 日本北海道大学,信息电子学,工学博士(国家公派留学)
  • 2008-2010 天津大学,光电子技术,硕士
  • 2004-2008 天津大学,电子科学与技术,学士


  • 2016- 北京科技大学
  • 2014-2016 北京大学


  1. Y. Xie, J. Niu, Y. Zhang and F. Ren, "Global-shared Text Representation based Multi-Stage Fusion Transformer Network for Multi-modal Dense Video Captioning," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2023.3307972.
  2. Wang, Xiaohui, Yulai Xie, Yang ZHANG, Xiaoning Pi, and Fang Ren. “Digital Simulation-Based Data Generation for Quality Inspection.” In ICCMS 2013, 6. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1145/3608251.3608291
  3. Zhang, Yanfei, Yulai Xie, Yang Zhang, Yiruo Dai, and Fang Ren. “VSSum: A Virtual Surveillance Dataset for Video Summary.” In ICCCV 2022, 7, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1145/3561613.3561631
  4. Xie, Yulai, Jingjing Niu, Yang Zhang and Fang Ren. “Multisize Patched Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Short- and Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (2022): 21548-21568.
  5. X. Lei, F. Ren, Y. Zhang, Y. Ci, X. Wang and J. Wang, "A Weakly-Coupled Few-Mode Hybrid Clad Photonic Crystal Fiber With Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Loss," in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2022, Art no. 7149508, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3202815.
  6. Yulai Xie, Yang Zhang, Fang Ren*,"Temporal-enhanced graph convolution network for skeleton-based action recognition,"" IET Comput.Vis.1–14 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1049/cvi2.12086
  7. 雷晓, 任芳*, 张艺赢, 张金玉, 牛晶晶, 张燕飞, 崔馥洁. 面向模分复用的沟槽-纳米孔辅助双包层弱耦合少模光纤[J]. 光学学报, 2021, 41(23): 2306003
  8. Jinyu Zhang, Fang Ren*, Jingjing Niu, Xiao Lei, Yanfei Zhang, Fujie Cui, Jinping Wang, "Design of weakly coupled 20-eigenmode bow-tie rectangular dual-step fiber for short-haul communication in O band," Opt. Eng. 60(12), 126107 (2021).
  9. Fang Ren, Jinyu Zhang, Jingjing Niu, Xiao Lei, Yanfei Zhang, Jinyi Yu, “A switchable multi-wavelength EDFL using cascaded Sagnac fiber loops with mode differential delay line," Optik 248, 168182(2021).
  10. Jinyu Zhang, Fang Ren*, Yiying Zhang, Jingjing Niu, Xiao Lei, Yanfei Zhang, Jianping Wang, "Design of side-hole-assisted weakly-coupled rectangular ring-core multi-mode fiber for modedivision multiplexing networks, " Appl. Opt. 60(24), 7406-7420 (2021) .
  11. Fang Ren*, Jinyu Zhang, Yiying Zhang, Xiaojie Fan, Rui Hao, Jingjing Niu, Jianping Wang, "Design of weakly-coupled eccentric-ring core few-mode fiber for optical sensing," Optics Communications, 490(2021), 126924.
  12. Y. Zhang, F. Ren*, X. Fan, T. Zhangsun, W. Chen and J. Wang, "Design of weakly coupled ten-vector-mode elliptical-core Bragg fiber for short-haul communication across O+C+L band," Indian Journal of Physics, 95(2), 349-359(2021). [Zhang, Y., Ren, F., Fan, X. et al. Design of weakly coupled ten-vector-mode elliptical-core Bragg fiber for short-haul communication across O+C+L band. Indian J Phys (2020).
  13. Yiying Zhang, Fang Ren*, Xiaojie Fan, Jinyu Zhang, Jingjing Niu, and Jianping Wang, "Design of weakly-coupled 16-vector-mode coaxial Bragg FMF for short-haul communication," IEEE Access 8, pp.215214-215223 (2020).
  14. 张金玉,任芳*,张艺赢,范潇杰,郝锐,牛晶晶,王建萍,面向传感应用的弱耦合偏芯少模光纤设计与分析[J],光学学报,2020,40(24):2406001.
  15. Xiaojie Fan, Fang Ren*, Jinyu Zhang, Yiying Zhang, Jingjing Niu, Jianping Wang, "Reliable Optical Performance Monitor: The Combination of Parallel Framework and Skip Connected Generative Adversarial Network", IEEE Access 8, 158391-158401(2020).
  16. Fang Ren*, Yiying Zhang, Jinyu Zhang, Jingjing Niu, Xiaojie Fan, Rui Hao, Jianping Wang, "Switchable multi-wavelength linearly-polarized lasing oscillations in a figure eight EDF laser based on spatial-mode beating by means of weakly-coupled FMF," Optics and Laser Technology 128, 106259 (2020).
  17. Xiaojie Fan, Fang Ren*, Yulai Xie, Yiying Zhang, Jingjing Niu, Jinyu Zhang, Jianping Wang, "Mitigating ambiguity by deep-learning-based modal decomposition method," Optics Communications 471, pp.125845 (2020).
  18. Fang Ren*, Jinyi Yu, "Spatial-mode switchable EDF laser based on low modal-crosstalk mode MUX/DEMUX," Optik, Vol. 202, pp.163699(2020).
  19. Tianwen Zhangsun, Fang Ren*, Xiang Lu, Yiying Zhang, Wei Chen, Xiaojie Fan, and Jianping Wang, "Switchable transverse-mode operation of an actively mode-locked EDF laser based on low-modal-crosstalk mode MUX/DEMUX," Indian Journal of Physics, 94(7), 1071-1078(2020). Zhangsun, T., Ren, F., Lu, X. et al. Indian J Phys (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-019-01542-3
  20. Fang Ren*, Tianwen zhangsun, Xiang Lu, Yiying Zhang, Wei Chen, Xiaojie Fan, and Jianping Wang, "Spatial-mode switchable, multi-wavelength all-fiber erbium-doped fiber (EDF) laser based on low modal crosstalk mode multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX)," Laser Physics, 29(7), 075105-1-075105-10 (2019).(Published 23 May 2019)
  21. Fang Ren*,Tianwen Zhangsun, Xiaoshan Huang, Yiying Zhang, Xiaojie Fan, Wei Chen, Jianping Wang, "Design of 20-polarization-maintaining-mode “pseudo-rectangle” ellipticalcore fber for MIMO-less MDM networks," Optical Fiber Technology, 50: 87-94 (2019).
  22. Yiying Zhang, Fang Ren*, Xiaojie Fan, Tianwen Zhangsun, Wei Chen, Huaidong Yang and Jianping Wang, "Design of weakly-coupled trench-assisted five-mode M-type fiber for short-haul communication in O band", Optical and Quantum Electronics, 50: 436-1-436-16 (2018). (Zhang, Y., Ren, F., Fan, X. et al. Opt Quant Electron (2018) 50: 436.)
  23. Xiaojie Fan, Yulai Xie, Fang Ren*, Yiying Zhang, Xiaoshan Huang, Wei Chen, Tianwen Zhangsun, Jianping Wang, "Joint optical performance monitoring and modulation format/bit-rate identification by CNN-based multi-task learning," IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(5), 7901312-1-7901312-12(2018).
  24. Fang Ren*, Wei Chen, Tianwen Zhangsun, Yiying Zhang, Xiaojie Fan, and Jianping Wang, "Variable-ratio mode-insensitive 1 × 2 power splitter based on MMI couplers and phase shifters," IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(5), 7104912-1-7104912-12(2018).
  25. Fang Ren, Xiaoshan Huang, Yiying Zhang, Jinyi Yu, Xiaojie Fan, Jianping Wang,"Design of weakly-coupled three-spatial-mode rectangular-ring core fiber for short-reach MDM networks in C + L band," Optical and Quantum Electronics, 50, 290-1-290-10 (2018). (Ren, F., Huang, X., Zhang, Y. et al. Opt Quant Electron (2018) 50: 290)
  26. Fang Ren*, Xiaoshan Huang, Yiying Zhang, Xiaojie Fan, Tianwen Zhangsun, Wei Chen, and Jianping Wang,"Tunable multi-wavelength EDF laser based on Sagnac interferometer with weakly-coupled FMF delay line," Optics and Laser Technology 107C (2018) pp. 325-330. 1.Fang Ren, Jinyi Yu, Jianping Wang,"Spatial-mode switchable ring fiber laser based on low mode-crosstalk all-fiber mode MUX/DEMUX," Optics and Laser Technology 101C (2018) pp. 21-24. (10 Nov 2017)
  27. Fang Ren, Xiaoshan Huang, Jianping Wang, "Fused-fiber-based 3-dB mode insensitive power splitters for few-mode optical fiber networks," Opt. Eng. 56(11), 116101 (2017). (doi: 10.1117/1.OE.56.11.116101)
  28. Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Zhongying Wu, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Jianping Wang, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li,"All-fiber optical mode switching based on cascaded mode selective couplers for short-reach MDM networks," Optical Engineering (Opt. Eng.), 56(4), 046104 (2017). (Apr 11, 2017)
  29. Fang Ren, Ruizhi Tang, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Experimental demonstration of time- and mode-division multiplexed passive optical network," Optical Fiber Technology,Vol. 36, 92-97, 2017
  30. Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Zhongying Wu, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Three-mode mode-division-multiplexing passive optical network over 12-km low mode-crosstalk FMF using all-fiber mode MUXDEMUX," Optics Communications, Vol. 383, 525-530, 2017.
  31. Fang Ren, Dawei Ge, Juhao Li, Zhengbin Li, Yongqi He and Zhangyuan Chen, "An all-fiber mode converter assisted by coiled-fiber long-period grating", Optics Communications, Vol. 360, 15-19, 2016.
  32. Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Ruizhi Tang, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Experimental demonstration of 3-mode MDM-PON transmission over 7.4-km low-mode-crosstalk FMF," Proc. of OFC 2016, W2A. 58. pdf (2016)
  33. Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Ruizhi Tang, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, “Cascaded mode-division-multiplexing and time-division-multiplexing passive optical network based on low mode-crosstalk FMF and mode MUX/DEMUX,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 7(5), 7903509, 2015.
  34. Fang Ren,Hideaki Takashima, Yoshito Tanaka, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki, "Two-photon excited fluorescence from a pseudoisocyanine-attached gold tip via a plasmonic-photonic hybrid system," Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 17, 21730-21740, 2015.
  35. Fang Ren, Hideaki Takashima, Yoshito Tanaka, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki, ”Two-photon excited fluorescence from a pseudoisocyanine-attached gold-coated tip via a thin tapered fiber under a weak continuous wave excitation”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 23, pp. 27759-27769 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.546) (Selected for virtual journal for biomedical optics, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, Jan. 14, 2014)
  36. Fang Ren, Hideaki Takashima, Yoshito Tanaka, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki, "Nonlinear phenomena from a PIC-attached gold tip using a plasmonic-whispering gallery mode hybrid system", Proc. SPIE 8816, Optics+Photonics, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices X, 881612 (2013).(WOS: 000325972900017; EI accession number: 20134516945240)
  37. Fang Ren, Kazutaka Kitajima, Hideaki Takashima, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki,"Second harmonic generation from the top of an Au-coated tip via a tapered fiber coupled microsphere resonator", Proc. SPIE 8463, Optics+Photonics, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IX, 846305 (2012). (WOS:000312959400003; EI accession number:20130315902284)
  38. 任芳,向望华,师小宙et al., “被动谐波锁模Er3+/Yb3+共掺双包层光纤环形腔激光器”,强激光与粒子束, 23(10), 2692-2697 (2011). (EI accession number: 20114914584583)
  39. 任芳,向望华,祖鹏et al., “Er/Yb共掺双包层全光纤激光器的实验研究”, 中国激光, 37(03), 622-626 (2010). (EI accession number: 20101912923198)
  40. 任芳,向望华,白扬博et al.,“非线性偏振旋转锁模光纤激光器的实验研究”, 中国激光, 36(s1), 56-60 (2009). (EI accession number: 20092812177532)


  1. 主持北京科技大学基本科研业务费项目两项,FRF-TP-16-046A1,FRF-TP-19-016A2。
  2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金一项,61605004。
  3. 主持北京大学区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室开放课题一项,2017GZKF08。
  4. 主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目一项,2015M570895。
  5. 参与国家科技部973项目子课题一项,2014CB340105。
  6. 参与北京市融合网络与泛在业务工程技术研究中心青年人才发展项目一项,FRF-BD-17-015A。
  7. 主持关于机器学习方面的横向项目多项,与公司保持长期的合作关系。